日本語の場合は語呂合わせになることが大半だが、 外国語の場合は単語等の文字数を利用することが多いので 「覚え方」としている。 なお末尾に記している桁数では小数点以下の桁数のみ数えている。
基本的に 1 つ 1 つの数字に文字を合わせていく覚え方で、 日本史の年代でいう「鳴くよ(794)ウグイス平安京」 のような覚え方のメジャーな例を挙げておく。
妻子 肥後の国
(6 桁) [JB01]
さて人よ人 生くに無意味
(9 桁) [JB01]
見ていいよ イチゴ食うに向こうさイッパ
(11 桁) [JB01]
才子異国に聟(むこ)さ 子は苦なく身ふさわし
(19 桁) [JB01]
(30 桁) [JB01]
淋し日斎く踏む砂子(いさご) 掃くな草に 御社(みやしろ)に 虫ささ闇に鳴く
(30 桁) [JB01]
産医師異国に向こう 産後厄なく 産婦御社に 虫さんざん闇に鳴く 頃にや
(34 桁) [JB01]
見て人世人行くに無意味 異役な組に御社に虫耳闇に鳴く
食よ至極文を縄ひとむしり 路地や路地を焼く 悔むにはお小夜や
(100 桁) [JB01]
日本語以外の言葉では語呂合わせが難しいので、 単語の文字数と数字とを合わせていく方法が主流である。 しかし、だからこそ小数点以下 32 桁目から現れる '0' をどう扱うかというところに工夫のしどころがある。 ここでは特に断りがなければ 10 文字以上の単語は下 1 桁分だけ取ることにする。(10 文字 → 0、12 文字 → 2)
May I have a large container of coffee.
(7 桁) [FB02]
Sir James Jeans
How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. All of thy geometry, Herr Planck, is fairly hard. (23 桁) [FB02]F. S. R. (1905)
Sir, I send a rhyme excelling In sacred truth and rigid spelling Numerical sprites elucidate For me the lecture's dull weight If Nature gain not you complain Tho Dr. Johnson fulminate. (30 桁) [FB02]ジョセフ ジプリー (1960)
But a time I spent wandering in bloomy night; you tower, tinkling chimewise, loftily opportune. Out, up, and together came sudden to Sunday rite, the one solemnly off to correct plenilune. (30 桁) [FB02]Edgar Allen Poe "Near A Raven"
Poe, E. : Near A RavenMidnights so dreary, tired and weary. Silently pondering volumes extolling all by-now obsolete lore. During my rather long nap - the weirdest tap! An ominous vibrating sound disturbing my chamber's antedoor. "This", I whispered quietly, "I ignore".
Perfectly, the intellect remembers: the ghostly fires, a glittering ember. Inflamed by lightning's outbursts, windows cast penumbras upon this floor. Sorrowful, as one mistreated, unhappy thoughts I heeded; that inimitable lesson in elegance - Lenore - Is delighting, exciting ... nevermore. (80 桁) [FB02]
Michael Keith "Circle Digits" (1986)
(ピリオド以外の記号は 0 に対応する。また、10 文字以上の単語はそのまま 2 桁分の数字に対応する。)For a time I stood pondering on circle sizes. The large computer mainframe quietly processed all of its assembly code. inside my entire hope lay for figuring out an elusive expansion. Value : pi. Decimals expected soon. I nervously entered a format procedure. The mainframe processed the request. Error. I, again entering it, carefully retyped. This iteration gave zero error printouts in all - success. Intently I waited. Soon, roused by thoughts within me, appeared narrative mnemonics relating digits to verbiage ! The idea appeared to exist but only in abbreviated fashion - little phrases typically. Pressing on I then resolved, deciding firmly about a sum of decimals to use - likely around four hundred, presuming the computer code soon halted ! Pondering these ideas, words appealed to me. But a problem of zeros did exist. Pondering more, solution subsequently appeared. Zero suggests a punctuation element. Very novel! My thoughts were culminated. No periods, I concluded. All residual marks of punctuation = zeros. First digit expansion answer then came before me. On examining some problems unhappily arose. That imbecilic bug! The printout I possessed showed four nine as foremost decimals. Manifestly troubling. Totally every number looked wrong. Repairing the bug took much effort. A pi mnemonic with letters truly seemed good. Counting of all the letters probably should suffice. Reaching for a record would be helpful. Consequently, I continued, expecting a good final answer from computer. First number slowly displayed on the flat screen -3. Good. Trailing digits apparently were right also. Now my memory scheme must probably be implementable. The technique was chosen, elegant in scheme : by self reference a tale mnemonically helpful was ensured. An able title suddenly existed - <Circle Digits>. Taking pen I began. Words emanated uneasily. I desired more synonyms. Speedily I found my (alongside me) Thesaurus. Rogets is probably an essential in doing this, instantly I decided. I wrote and erased more. The Rogets clearly assisted immensely My story proceeded (how lovely!) faultlessly. The end, above all, would soon joyfully overtake. So, this memory helper story is incontestably complete. Soon I will locate publisher. There a narrative will I trust immediately appear, producing fame. The end. (402 桁) [JB02]
Que j'aime à faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages!
Immortel Archimède, artiste, ingénieur,
Qui de ton jugement peut priser la valeur
Pour moi ton problème eut de sérieux avantages...
(30 桁) [JB02]
Que j'aime à faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages!
Glorieux Archimède, artiste, ingénieur,
Toi de qui Syracuse aime encore la gloire,
Soit ton nom conservé par de savants grimoires!
Jadis, mystérieux, un problème bloquait
Tout l'admirable procèdè, l'œuvre grandiose
Que Pythagore découvrit aux anciens Grecs.
O quadrature! vieux tourment du Philosophe!
Insoluble rondeur, trop longtemps vous avez
Défié Pythagore et ses imitateurs.
Comment intégrer l'espace plan circulaire?
Former un triangle auquel il équivaudra?
Nouvelle invention: Archimède inscrira
Dedans un hexagone; appréciera son aire
Fonction du rayon. Pas trop ne s'y tiendra:
Dédoublera chaque élément antérieur;
Toujours de l'orbe calculée approchera;
Définira limite; enfin, l'arc, le limiteur
De cet inquiétant cercle, ennemi trop rebelle!
Profeeeseur, enseignez son problème avec zèle!
(126 桁) [JB02]